Configuring Fedora Services on UNAVCO Field Computers Upon installing Fedora there are several services enabled. You can check which services are running with: [root@hostname]# chkconfig --list | grep on Services are daemons that run in the... Read More
Fedora Linux
Configuring the Back-UP Power Supply software APCUPSD on a Linux box Back-Up Power supplies can be controlled with the APCUPSD software. The following outlines how to download the source code for APCUSPD, compile and install it, and test that APCUPSD... Read More
Configuring the Time and NTP on a UNAVCO Linux Field Computer Configure time and check that ntpd is running before deploying a newly-installed Fedora system to the field. Change the system time to UTC time by issuing the following command at... Read More
Securely put a Fedora Linux system on the Internet In order to put a Fedora 4 Linux system online with minimal exposure to attacks, several networking files should be edited. The paths to each are as follows: /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.allow /etc... Read More