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Trimble 5700/R7 - How to configure for RTK - OLD

Trimble 5700/R7 - How to configure for RTK (real time kinematic) surveys

RTK surveys provide centimeter level precision coordinates without post-processing. Surveys must be conducted within a 5 km range of a RTK correction broadcasting base station. If you think you may travel more than 5 km away from such a base or lose line of sight communication with it, choose RTK and infill. When using RTK and infill the base broadcasts 1 sec corrections, and logs data at 5 sec intervals (see manuals for details).

  1. Insert memory card in slot in the TSC1 controller.

  2. Connect the controller to the receiver (Port 1) and set it up on the range-pole, or in the backpack.

  3. Turn on the controller, which also powers up the receiver.

  4. Select "Files/Job Management" on the controller display main menu.

  5. Create "New" or select an existing job. To create a new job, enter a job name and set “File Location” to "PC card". Select "No projection/no datum" as the coordinate system, and set reference elevation to the local average.

  6. Choose survey -->TRIMBLE RTK.

  7. Choose edit (F5) --> Rover Options.

  8. Set up should look like this (modify if needed)

  9. Survey type RTK
    Broadcast format CMR+
    WAAS off
    INS positions RTK only
    Use station index any
    Prompt for station index no
    Elevation Mask 13 degrees
    PDOP Mask 10
    Antenna height ?
    Type Zephyr
  10. Choose Topo Point and configure

  11. You choose step size (usually 1)  
    Quality control: QC1&QC2
    Auto store: yes
    Occupation time: 5s
    Measurements 5
    Choose precisions for auto store (e.g. 0.015 m horizontal 0.02 m vertical)  
  12. Choose precisions continuous points if you like.

    = Continuous data is logged as long as precisions are met.

  13. Push Enter -->Push ESC --> Push Enter.

  14. Choose Start Survey -->Choose Measure Points.

  15. When you encounter a point of interest:

    Enter a point name or number and antenna height- then push Measure (F1) to enter static mode.

  16. WAIT- DO NOT MOVE!! It is critical to that the antenna does not move while in static mode - from the time you press "Measure" until you receive the "Point stored" confirmation.

  17. Continue to measure points as appropriate throughout survey.

  18. Do not end the survey until the survey has initialized, indicated by "RTK=Fixed" on the survey status screen.

  19. Press "Esc", then "End Survey" to end the survey. If an “Abandon Changes” warning is encountered, choose NO.

  • Attached Files
  • 5700RTK.pdf (79.53 KB) 1283

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver