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Lantronix MSS100 - How to configure the Lantronix MSS100 for data transfer

Lantronix MSS100 - How to configure the Lantronix MSS100 for data transfer

  1. Power up the unit.

  2. Connect to the MSS100 from your PC 9 pin serial port to the 25 pin serial port of the unit (utilizing Hyper-terminal). 9600-8-N-1. Hit enter and the local prompt should appear.

  3. Give privileged status to the port. This will allow you to change the configuration of the unit: "set privileged". The password is "system"

  4. Change the system and login passwords:

    • change privpass *****

    • change loginpass *****

  5. TCP/IP parameters (to see the current configuration, type "show server")

    • change ipaddress 128.117.38.xx

    • change nameserver 128.117.xx.xx

    • change subnetmask

    • change gateway 128.117.xx.xx

  6. Serial port configuration (to see the current configuration, type "show ports")

    • Change speed 19200 (you will loose contact and have to reconnect)

    • change parity none

    • change stopbits 1

    • change flow control none

  7. Emulation a Direct Serial connection

    • At the local Unit:

      1. change dedicated tcp remoteIP:3001T

      2. change autostart enabled

      3. reboot the unit "I d 0"

    • At the remote Unit

      1. change access remote

      2. change dedicated none

      3. change autostart disabled

      4. reboot the unit "I d 0"

Issue the command "show ports" to check your configuration.

For correct configuration output, see attached .pdf file.

  • Attached Files
  • lanmss.pdf (140.78 KB) 2365

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver