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Trimble Convert to RINEX Utility v2.1.1.0

The linked .msi file contains Trimble’s "Convert to RINEX" utility v2.1.1.0 for Windows operating systems only.

The Trimble Convert to RINEX utility converts Trimble GNSS measurement files in TGD, DAT, T01, T02, r17, r27, or .cap format to RINEX version 2.10, 2.11 or 3.00 formats. The Trimble TGD, DAT, T00, T01 or T02 files may include GPS L2C and/or GLONASS observations.

The Trimble Configuration Utility update may be needed prior to operation of this utility. For more information and to update your Trimble Configuration Utility, see Trimble’s Configuration Utility webpage.

For more information on the Trimble Convert to RINEX utility, see the Trimble Convert to RINEX page or the Release Notes.

  • Attached Files
  • ConvertToRinex_10132A_RelNotes_Eng.pdf (619.61 KB) 25740
  • convertToRinex.msi (2.56 MB) 25654
  • CFGUpdate2008Dec12.exe (2.3 MB) 15695

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver