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Physical Site Specifications: Geodetic Site Monumentation (paper, 1998)

Physical Site Specifications: Geodetic Site Monumentation

Position Paper, IGS Network Systems Workshop, November 2-5, 1998, Annapolis

W. L. Combrinck
Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa

M Schmidt
Natural Resources of Canada


Monumentation is one of the most important aspects of a geodetic installation, whether it be for VLBI, SLR or a GPS installation. Currently a large number of different monument types, with varying designs, construction, quality and suitability are used in the IGS network. This chapter gives an introduction to the current approach to monumentation, some of the aspects of site selection and monumentation, with special emphasis on safety from vandalism, stability and collocation as seen from the GPS technique viewpoint.

[See attached .pdf file for more, or check out the paper online.]

  • Attached Files
  • PermanentGeodeticSiteSpecifications.pdf (226.88 KB) 944

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