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SuomiNet - Meteorological Package Specifications

Note - content is provided for historical continuity and may be out of date. The UNAVCO SuomiNet pages are not actively maintained, and up-to-date SuomiNet information should be obtained from UCAR’s COSMIC program at:

There are three meteorological packages approved for SuomiNet sites. They are the Paroscientific MET3 or MET3A, and the Vaisala PTU200.



Pressure (Digiquartz Broadband Barometric Standard)
Range: (consult with the factory for lower ranges) 620-1100 hPa (9-16 psia)
Repeatability: ≤±0.003% of reading
Hysteresis: ≤±0.003% of reading
Pressure characterization over operating temperature range: ≤0.1 hPa (rms)
Stability: better than 0.1 hPa per year
Temperature (Platinum Resistance Temperature Probe)
Range: -50 to +60° C
Performance: ≤0.5° C
Stability: better than 0.1° C per year
Relative Humidity (Capacitance Probe)
Range: 0 to 100% non-condensing
Performance: ±2% RH (0-100% RH at 25° C)
Stability: better than 1% per year
Maximum Pressure: 1240 hPa (18 psia)
Operating Temperature Range: -50 to +60° C
Power Requirements: 20 mA NOMINAL @ 7 to 16 Vdc
Weight: 4.5 ±.2 lbs (2.04±.09 kg)
RS232 Bi-directional interface
Vendor Support
GPS Meteorology Support Site 
Technical Paper on Broadband Barometers
GPS Meteorology Slide Show
Digiquartz Technology Slide Show
Long-Term Barometer Stability Test
Product Datasheet


Weatherproof enclosure
NEW LED Status Indicators
RS-232 bi-directional interface
Fully calibrated and characterized
3 year long-term stability warranty
ISO 9001 Quality System - NIST Traceable
AC adapter and GPS / Computer interface cables are available



Range: (consult with the factory for lower ranges) 620-1100 hPa (9-16 psia)
Resolution: Better than 0.001 hPa
Accuracy, Including Pressure Hysteresis, Repeatability, Linearity, & Temperature Conformance: Better than ±0.08 hPa
Stability: better than 0.1 hPa per year
Range: -50 to +60° C
Resolution: Better than 0.01° C
Accuracy: Better than ±0.1° C
Stability: better than 0.1° C per year
Range: 0 to 100%
Accuracy: Better than ±2% RH at 25° C
Saturation Recovery Time: 2 minutes or less
Maximum Pressure: 1240 hPa (18 psia)
Operating Temperature Range: -50 to +60° C
Power Requirements:
Input Voltage: 7 to 16 Vdc
Current 105 mA - Nominal
200 mA - Maximum
Aspiration Flow Rate: 4.5 meters/second
Weight: 4.2 Kg (9.2 lbs)
RS-232 Bi-directional interface
Vendor Support
GPS Meteorology Support Site 
Technical Paper on Broadband Barometers
GPS Meteorology Slide Show
Digiquartz Technology Slide Show
Long-Term Barometer Stability Test
Product Information


Weatherproof enclosure
NEW LED Status Indicators
Fan aspirated probe system
RS-232 bi-directional interface
High Performance Pressure Port
3 year warranty on barometer stability
NIST Traceable - ISO 9001 Quality System - CE Certified
AC adapter and GPS / Computer interface cables are available

PTU200 Specifications
Barometric Pressure
Operating Range
Pressure Range 500-1100 hPa
  class A
Linearity ±0.05 hPa
Hysteresis ±0.03 hPa
Repeatability ±0.03 hPa
Calibration Uncertainty ±0.07 hPa
Accuracy at +20°C ±0.10 hPa
Temperature Dependance ±0.1 hPa
Total Accuracy ±0.15 hPa
Long-term Stability/year ±0.1 hPa
Response Time (100% response)
one sensor 2 seconds
Operating Range
Measurement Range 0.8-100% RH
Accuracy at +20°C (including non-linearity and hysteresis):
against factory references ±1% RH
field calibration against references ±2% RH (0-90% RH)
±3% RH (90-100% RH)
Typical Long-term Stability better than 1% RH per year
Temperature Dependance ±0.05% RH/°C
Response Time (90% at +20°C) 15s with membrane filter
Humidity Sensor HUMICAP®180
Operating Range
Range: -40 to +60°C
Stability better than -0.1°C per year


-Low pressure range 500 hPa for high elevation installations
-Remote 20m extension cable for RH+T sensors outdoor installation, enables indoor mounting of transmitter with pressure sensor and display
-LCD display with RH,T,P readings, messages, keypad
-Optional transmitter outdoor weather package available
-Standard RS232/NMEA GPS protocol
-ISO9002-approved, NIST-certificate, CE-mark

  • Attached Files
  • BroadbandSensors.pdf (308.78 KB) 771

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver