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Wind Power for Remote DC Powered Stations (2003)

Wind Power for Remote DC Powered Stations

Steven Borenstein, Warren Gallaher, Chuck Kurnik
University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO)

The University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) Boulder Facility is assessing wind technology for powering remote GPS stations. This study is motivated by increasing station installations in Antarctica, Alaska and other regions where solar radiation can be very low or non-existent during parts of the year. Key factors of power generation - including power regulation, generator robustness, rigging and cost effectiveness - were studied and compared to solar.

For this study we evaluated the Windpower Air 403-series wind turbine.

[See attached .pdf file for more.]

  • Attached Files
  • wind_power_remote_stations.pdf (382.35 KB) 703

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver