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Polar Station NetRS Receiver and Iridium Modem Configuration

Polar Station NetRS Receiver and Iridium Modem Configuration

Iridium Modem

  • A3LA-SA Remote Modem:
          AT&F0: Reset to factory defaults
          AT&D0: Ignore DTR input
          AT&K0: No flow control
          AT+IPR=6,0: Set baud rate to 19200 and disable Autobaud feature
          ATS0=1: Answer on first ring
          ATQ1: Quiet mode
          AT&W0: Write settings to memory register 0
          AT&V: View current configuration if desired

  • A3LA-MPT Base Modem:
          AT&F0: Reset to factory defaults
          AT&D0: Ignore DTR input
          AT&K0: No flow control
          AT+IPR=6,0: Set baud rate to 19200 and disable Autobaud feature
          AT&W0: Write settings to memory register 0
          AT&V: View current configuration if desired

NetRS GPS Receiver

UNAVCO Polar standard configuration settings for Iridium-equipped sites are listed below. Individual settings may vary depending on specific application and/or project PI request.

Commonly modified settings are highlighted in red.

As of April 2009, UNAVCO uses NetRS Firmware 1.1-5 for Polar applications.

  • Receiver Status:
          Identity: Set System Name

  • Satellites:
          GPS Enable/Disable: All Enabled
          WAAS Tracking: Off
          Data: N/A

  • Data Logging:
          Primary Session: ENABLED
                Select Session: 60min, Enabled: Checked
                      Continuous Logging: Checked
                      File Durations: 60 minutes
                Data Format: T00
                T00 Options:
                      Measurement Interval: 30 Sec
                      Position Interval: 5 min
                      Smooth Code Phase: NOT Checked
                      Smooth Carrier Phase: NOT Checked
                File Naming:
                      ā€™Sā€™ (The Session Identifier) is: a
                Directory Options:
                      Create Per-Day Subdirectories: Checked
          Secondary Session: NOT ENABLED
                Select Session: 1Hz_1hr, Enabled: NOT Checked
                      Continuous Logging: Checked
                      File Durations: 60 minutes
                Data Format: T00
                T00 Options:
                      Measurement Interval: 1 Sec
                      Position Interval: 5 Min
                      Smooth Code Phase: NOT Checked
                      Smooth Carrier Phase: NOT Checked
                File Naming:
                      ā€™Sā€™ (The Session Identifier) is: b
                Directory Options:
                      Create Per-SessionId Subdirectories: Checked
                Reserved Space: AutoDelete: NOT Checked. (AutoDelete may be desirable for certain applications; consult UNAVCO).
                Session Pools: None Defined
          Power Saving:
                Power Down Between Sessions Mode: No
                Failsafe Wakeup Alarm: Yes, for 10 minutes every 24 hours

  • Receiver Configuration:
          Antenna: Enter site-specific antenna parameters
          Clock Steering: Enabled
          Multipath: Disabled
          L2C Tracking: Disabled
                Elevation Mask: 7
                PDOP Mask: 99
          One Pulse Per Second: Disabled
          Reference Frequency: Internal
          Configuration Files: After receiver has final configuration, create a configuration file named "NAME_config_mm-dd-yy.txt" and download copy to a separate computer.
          Shutdown Voltage: 10.680
          System Reset: N/A

  • Internet:
                Static IP:
                      IP Address:
                      MTU: 1500
                HTTP Standard Port 80: Enabled
                HTTP Alternate Port 8080: Disabled
                HTTPS Standard Port 443: Enabled
                HTTPS Alternate Port 8443: Disabled
          IP Filtering: Disabled
                Anonymous FTP: Enabled without Delete
                Named FTP: Disabled
                Administration FTP: Disabled
                FTP Server Port: Use Standard Port
          NTP Client: Disable using NTP time servers

  • I/O Configuration:
          Port Configuration, Serial Port 2: ENABLED
                Service: PPP
                Baud: 19200
                Flow Control: None
                Parameters for PPP mode:
                      Local IP Address: 192.168.xx.2 (xx is two digit number, unique to each site)
                      Remote IP Address: 192.168.xx.1 (xx is two digit number, unique to each site)
                      Connection: Direct
          Port Configuration, Serial Port 4: ENABLED (optional)
                Service: Met-Tilt
                Baud: 19200
                Parity: None
                Flow Control: None
                Parameters for Met-Tilt mode:
                      Command: 0R0
                      Schedule: 30 minutes
          Reference Station: N/A
          Client Authentication: N/A
          Port Advertising: Disabled
          PPP Dialout: N/A

  • Security:
                System Controls: Unrestricted
                GPS Controls: Unrestricted
                File Access: Unrestricted
          Accounts: N/A
          Change Password: N/A

  • Firmware: 1.1-5

  • Programmatic Interface: N/A


Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver