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Permanent GNSS/GPS Stations - Budgets

Permanent GNSS/GPS Stations - Budgets

Please note that this is an example of various costs related to a general NSF project. Note that the funding of the sections listed here are typically split between science programs at NSF, and the instruments and facilities. Please Request Support for a more detailed budget analysis, or for any questions you might have.

You can download the excel version of the Sample Budget (.xls) .



Sample Project Budget - Standard GPS Station with Dial-Up Relay and Radio Telemetry

Statement of Work:   This budget includes the estimated costs associated with the installation of a standard DC-powered GPS station installed in the western United States.    The assumed data telemetry consists of both phone and radio modems.  
  Unit Cost Number of Units Total Cost
GPS Receiver with Choke Ring Antenna   
GPS Receiver System 10,000 - 15,000 1 10,000 - 15,000
GPS Receiver      
Choke Ring Antenna      
30m Antenna Cable      
Download/Power Cable      
North American AC Power Cord      
Power Supply      
Manual/CD/Release Notes      
128 Mb Flash memory for GPS receiver (if needed)                325.00 1 325.00

Huber-Shuner Lightning

               150.00 1 150.00
Pigtail (N-type to RSMA)
or (N-type to N-type)
                 20.00 1 250.00
Total Receiver and Antenna   10,475.00
Radio and Ancillary Hardware
900 MHz Spread Spectrum
Transceiver (Endpoint)
            1,200.00 1 1,200.00
30 meter radio antenna
cable (low loss)
               200.00 1 200.00
Yagi Antenna                125.00 1 125.00
Mast, Antenna Mounting
               200.00 1 200.00
Huber-Shuner Lightning
               150.00 1 150.00
Pigtail (N-type to RSMA) or
(N-type to N-type)
                 20.00 1 250.00
Total Radio   1,875.00
Monumentation- Drilled Braced Monument   
10 ft stainless steel legs                100.00 4 400.00
2 inch threaded adapter                  25.00 1 25.00
Hilti epoxy                  20.00 25 500.00
SCIGN Mount                550.00 1 550.00
SCIGN Dome                125.00 1 125.00
Miscellaneous                150.00 1 150.00
Total Monumentation   1,750.00
Relay Hardware   
Small Enclosure                300.00 1 300.00
900 MHz Spread Spectrum
Transceiver (Master)
            1,200.00 1 1,200.00
30 meter radio antenna
cable (low loss)
               200.00 1 200.00
Huber-Shuner Lightning
               150.00 1 150.00
Tripplite Surge/Line
               100.00 1 100.00
RS-232 Cable with
null adapter
                 25.00 1 25.00
V.Everything Modem
               250.00 1 250.00
Pigtail (N-type to RSMA) or
(N-type to N-type)
                 20.00 1 250.00
(connectors, wiring,
conduit, tools, etc)
               100.00 1 100.00
Total Relay Hardware   2,225.00
Solar Systems / Enclosures   
MAPPS power system -
12 v, 4 batteries,
3 75-W panels, char ge controller
            3,500.00 1 3,500.00
MAPPS receiver
               400.00 1 400.00
Liquitite conduit
(30 m @ $3/m)
                   3.00 30 90.00
(connectors, wiring,
conduit, tools, etc)
               200.00 10 2,000.00
Grounding rod, cable,
                 25.00 1 25.00
Total Solar Systems/Enclosures   6,015.00
Computer System   
1 desk-top PC running
RedHat Linux
            1,500.00 1 1,500.00
APC UPS 280                200.00 1 200.00
Extra Serial Card                200.00 1 200.00
APC serial port
protectors - 9pin
                 40.00 2 80.00
Enclosure                250.00 1 250.00
Miscellaneous (RS232
cables, connectors, etc)
               100.00 1 100.00
Total Computer System 2,330.00
Total Equipment 24,670.00
Purchased Services
Shipping (from vendor/to
UNAVCO/to Site)
               200.00 1 200.00
Shipping (UNAVCO/to site -
batteries, enclosures, etc)
               500.00 1 500.00
phone, fax, copier                200.00 1 200.00
Total Purchased Services   900.00
Airfare (Round Trip -
3 trips: recon, installation,
               550.00 3 1,650.00
Lodging (approximate
costs 21 nights: hotels
and camping)
            1,200.00 1 1,200.00
Per Diem: (govt. rate:
$50/day For 3 trips: 22
                 50.00 22 1,100.00
Rental Car: (recon &
maintenance only, car
provided by PI for i nstallation)
1,000.00 1 1,000.00
Total Travel   4,950.00
Total Costs   30,520.00


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  • Attached Files
  • Sample_Budget.xls (61 KB) 1011

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver