The Trimble NetRS and NetR8/NetR9 can be configured to stream correction data in various formats over tcp/ip or serial. The transport of RTCM via tcp/ip is called NTRIP.
-Attach the NetRS to an antenna (you will not be able to verify the NetRS is streaming unless the antenna is attached).
-Open a web browser and log on to the web interface of the NetRS
-Select "I/O Congifuration" from the side menu.
-All ports that are available/configured on the receiver will be listed.
-A NetRS with factory defaults will have serial ports 1-4 listed, but not enabled.
-You will need to create and configure a new TCP port for RTCM
-Fill in your desired TCP port number, this can be any number of your choosing. Examples: 6000 or 7500. Be sure to avoid choosing standard ports such as 80.
-Select "RTCM" under "Service"
-Select desired format and style options
-Click "OK"
-Back in the I/O Summary Page, the new TCP port will be listed
-Make sure the "Enable" box is checked next to the port and that RTCM is listed as the service
-Select the "Reference Station" submenu
-Where the position of the reference station is listed, select "Here." The coordinates should then be those of the receiver’s location.
-Open a command prompt
-Open up a connection to the tcp port using telnet.
-Users with Unix based systems can use nc 6000 to open the connection
-If the receiver is streaming properly, the output will appear on your terminal as random characters.
-Keep the terminal running
-Go back to the web interface of the NetRS and on the side menu, select "Receiver Status."
-Select the "Activity" submenu.
-Under "Input/Output," you should see "Streaming RTCM to over Tcp Port xxxx"
-Once you close your terminal, the connection will close and the streaming message will disappear
-Log on to the receiver
-From the side menu select "I/O Configuration"
-To create a new port select "Port Configuration" from the "I/O submenu"
-Select RTCM in the dropdown menu to the right
-Enter your desired port number
-In the RTCM-specific settings below:
-Ensure that RTCM is enabled, adjust the other settings as desired and click "ok"
-Back in the port summary page, you should see your new port listed
-Under "Receiver Configuration," Select the "Reference Station" submenu.
-For the reference station coordinates, select "Here."
-Click "ok"
-Go to "Receiver Status" and select the "Activity" submenu
-You should also see "Output: TCP/IP (port #) ’ RTCM"
-Verify the receiver is streaming by using telnet to open the port, as listed in the NetRS instructions above
-Go back to the "I/O Configuration" menu. The open port should be highlighted in green.
-When you close the connection, the port listing will return to red.