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How to configure an Aironet Wireless Bridge

How to Configure an Aironet Wireless Bridge

The following procedure is intended to establish a link between two Cisco Bridges.
There are many ways to accomplish this task; this is one of the simplest.

Equipment required:

  1. Computer with Ethernet card

  2. Ethernet hub

  3. Two or 3 Ethernet cables

  4. Serial cable

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Set up the base unit so that it can establish a network presence.

  2. Establish a link from the remote unit to the base.

  3. Apply security to the remote unit.

  4. Apply security to the base unit.

Set up the base unit

Cisco Aironet Wireless Bridge (Base Unit)

The Wireless Bridge requires an IP in order to function. (There are various methods to assign and IP to the unit outlined in the Cisco document "BR_QuickStartGuide.pdf").

Connect the supplied serial cable from the back of the unit to your PC.

  1. Run ProComm or HyperTerminal and connect to the bridge at 9600-8-n-1.

  2. Press “b” to bring up the bottom of the menu.

  3. Press “se” to bring up the setup screen (note – the menu system works by navigating based on screen names. When you have reached a point in typing a screen name which can be uniquely identified, that screen comes up).

  4. Type “ex” to bring up the express screen setup.

  5. Type “ad” for IP address, enter the desired address. (This can be a valid or dummy IP. If the IP is a dummy address then the unit cannot be accessed remotely.)

  6. Type “su” for subnet mask, enter the subnet mask value.

  7. Type “gw” for gateway, enter the gateway.

  8. Type ”ra” to setup the SSID – this will be used to match the base with the remote unit. For an example, use the word “UNAVCO.”

The unit is now configured for basic operation.

Establish a link from the remote unit to the base

Cisco Aironet Workgroup Bridge (Remote Unit)

The WGB comes configured with an IP of The unit can be accessed through a web interface or telnet.  (It does not have a serial port).

  1. Configure your PC to have a static IP of

  2. Attach your PC and the WGB the Ethernet hub.

  3. Open a web browser and point it to

  4. Go to the configuration menu and then to Radio, set the field “Service set identification” to “UNAVCO” as you did in step 9 above. (The radio lights on the two bridges should start to communicate at this point.) Now it’s time to add security.

Apply security to the remote unit

  1. Go to Privacy configuration under the radio menu – select set key.

  2. Make a key for WEP communication.

  3. Assign the key to be used by the WGB.

Apply security to the base unit

Reconfigure your PC to have a valid IP address.

You can now attach the bridge to the network and log in through the web interface.
Open a browser and type in the IP address assigned to the unit.

  1. Open a browser to the IP address of the Wireless Bridge (Base Unit).

  2. Go to setup, select security, User information and create a new user. This will limit access to the unit from the web.

  3. Go to setup, select security, select Radio Data Encryption (WEP).

  4. Set a transmission key which matches the one set in step 6 above.

  5. Set “Use of Data Encryption by Stations is:” to full encryption.

The radio lights on the two units should start to flash as they communicate.

The configuration is finished

A computer attached to the remote bridge requires a cross over cable in order to access the Internet.

  • Attached Files
  • How-to Cisco Aironet Wireless BridgeSetup.pdf (72.64 KB) 2025

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver