UNAVCO Resources: Permanent GPS/GNSS Stations

UNAVCO Resources: Permanent GPS/GNSS Stations

The UNAVCO Facility acts as an information clearing house for the broader UNAVCO community with respect to permanent station installation, equipment, maintenance, and support issues. UNAVCO provides field engineer, budget, equipment purchase, design and development, infrastructure (communications and power), data retrieval, and archiving support. We install and operate GPS networks around the world in support of NSF and NASA initiatives, including direct support to stations that are a part of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) network.

Working with UNAVCO

Overview of Support Provided by UNAVCO

Brief overview of UNAVCO support capabilities for project preparation and execution.

Support Request Form

Use this online interface to request project support from UNAVCO.

Planning a Permanent Station Installation

Permanent GPS/GNSS Station Planning: Technology, Equipment, Costs

Primer on equipment, costs, and data management for permanent GPS/GNSS stations.

Reconnaissance Guidelines and Security Considerations

More detailed suggestions for site placement than given in the primer above.

Sample Budget

Example of various costs related to a general NSF-funded permanent station installation.

Station Documentation

UNAVCO Monument Record Form (.pdf)

Document new or poorly documented survey monuments (information about the marker only).

UNAVCO New Permanent Station Minimum Information Form

Submit the information needed to UNAVCO to begin data archiving.

UNAVCO Continuous Site Installation Report Template (2010, .doc)

Document a permanent station installation including marker information, equipment, communications, etc.


GNSS Equipment List with Vendor Information

A list of equipment available on loan through UNAVCO and vendor information for scientists looking to buy their own components.

Data Processing

UNAVCO Resources: Data Processing Software

Different processing software is appropriate for different survey types. Outlines several data processing options.

Article ID: 634
Created: March 11, 2010
Last Updated: June 12, 2024
Author: Beth Bartel

Online URL: https://kb.unavco.org/article/unavco-resources-permanent-gps-gnss-stations-634.html