Suggested configuration for a FreeWave DGR-115H radio modem connected to a Trimble 4000SSE/SSi GPS receiver

NOTE:  The outdated and offensive "master-slave" terminology has been replaced with "Access point (AP) - Station/Endpoint (STA)" in all instances, but will still remain in the configuration software when implemented.

Below are the suggested settings of the FreeWave Wireless Data Transceiver when directly attached to a Trimble 4000 SSE/SSI receiver and using the Trimble "rfile" program. The modem is set at 38400 baud.

Base Modem:

Operation mode: Point to Point Master
Baud Rate: 38400
Call book: Set to call the serial number of the remote modem.
Transmission characteristics:
FreqKey = 0-9
Max Packet Size = 8
Min Packet Size = 2
Xmit Rate = 1
RF Data Rate = 3
RF Xmit Power = 9


Remote Modem:

Operation modem: Point to Point Slave
Baud Rate: 38400
Call book: Put serial number of base modem into call book.
Transmission characteristics:
FreqKey = 0-9
Max Packet Size = 8
Min Packet Size = 2
Xmit Rate = 1
RF Data Rate = 3
RF Xmit Power = 9

Remote Receiver:

BAUD RATE/FORMAT CONTROL MENU set to 38400, 8, N, 1, no flow control.


Attach the receiver to the remote modem via a null modem cable.

Article ID: 431
Created: July 8, 2009
Last Updated: June 19, 2020
Author: Beth Bartel

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