Alber, C., R. Ware, C. Rocken, and F. Solheim (1997), GPS Surveying with 1 mm Precision Using Corrections for Atmospheric Slant Path Delay, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24(15), 1859-1862.
Abstract. Multipath and atmospheric effects can limit
GPS surveying precision. We surveyed a 43 km baseline
using large diameter choke ring antennas to reduce multipath
and pointed radiometer and barometric data to correct
for atmospheric slant delay. Based on 11 daily solutions,
atmospheric slant delay corrections improved vertical precision
to 1.2 mm rms and horizontal precision to sub-mm.
Applications for high precision GPS surveying include deformation monitoring associated with earthquake and volcanic
processes, subsidence, isostasy, and sea level measurements;
monitoring of atmospheric water vapor for climate
and global change research, and to improve the resolution of
synthetic aperture radar; calibration of satellite altimeters;
and precise satellite orbit determination.
[See attached .pdf file for more.]
Article ID: 181
Created: October 17, 2008
Last Updated: October 17, 2008
Author: Beth Bartel
Online URL: