Telebit WorldBlazer Quick Reference Card

Telebit WorldBlazer Quick Reference Card

You may enter a command line of up to 80 characters in upper or lower case with the first command in the line preceded by an "AT" or "at" and the last command followed by a carriage return.

The notation "(n)" in the descriptions represents a decimal numeric option, and "(x)" represents an assigned value. The parentheses should not be typed. If a command is typed without a value when one is expected, the modem will assume a value of 0. The option should immediately follow the command. For example, to turn off the result codes, type Q1 not Q=1.

You can repeat the last command issued by entering A/ or a/. Do not enter an AT prefix before entering A/ and do not press RETURN after entering A/. This command is useful for redialing a telephone number.

On this page:

Result Codes

The following are the basic result codes returned when the Q command setting is Q0 or Q2 and you have originated a call.

Number   Message and Description                                           
0        OK--The command was successfully completed.                       
1        CONNECT                                                           
2        RING--An incoming ring has been detected.                         
3        NO CARRIER--Time to connect has expired, dial command aborted,    
         or carrier lost.                                                  
4        ERROR--A command error has been encountered.                      
5        CONNECT 1200--Connected at 1200 bps (Bell 212A or V.22            
6        NO DIALTONE--No dial tone was detected.                           
7        BUSY--Remote connection is busy.                                  
8        NO ANSWER--Five seconds of silence was not detected within 30     
         seconds when an  modifier was encountered in the        
         dialing string.                                                   
10       CONNECT 2400                                                      
11       CONNECT 4800                                                      
12       CONNECT 9600                                                      
13       CONNECT 14400                                                     
14       CONNECT 19200                                                     
15       CONNECT 38400                                                     
16       CONNECT 57600                                                     
17       CONNECT 76800                                                     
18       CONNECT 115200                                                    
46       CONNECT 7512                                                      
47       CONNECT 1275                                                      
48       CONNECT 7200                                                      
49       CONNECT 12000                                                     
52       RRING--Remote connection is ringing.                              
53       DIALING                                                           
54       NO PROMPTTONE                                                     
50       CONNECT FAST                                                      

AT Commands

The following briefly describes the AT commands and shows each command’s range and default.

Command   Parameter  Description                                   Default   
A                    Answer                                                  
B(n)      0 or 1     Bell/CCITT Mode Select                        0         
                     0  Use CCITT standard                                   
                     1  Use Bell standard                                    
D(n)      0-9,A-D,*, Dial number                                   Pulse     
          #          S=   Reference number in number directory     dialing   
          Modifiers  W    Wait for dial tone                                 
                     P      Pulse dialing                                    
                     T      Tone dialing                                     
                     ,=     Timed wait set by S8                             
                     !=     Initiate momentary on-hook flash                 
                     =  Wait for quiet answer                               
                     R=   Switch to answer mode when remote modem            
                     ;=     Remain in command mode after dialing             
                     $=    Calling and billing prompt                        
                     =     Reference a number in number                     
E(n)      0 or 1     Echo Command ON/OFF                           1         
                     0  Off                                                  
                     1  On                                                   
H(n)      0 or 1     Hook Control                                  0         
                     0  Hang-up (on-hook)                                    
                     1  Pick up phone line (off-hook)                        
I(n)      0 - 5      Information                                             
                     0  Return product ID code                               
                     1  Return diagnostic status                             
                     2  Report CONNECT status                                
                     3  Model and firmware revision                          
                     4  Reserved                                             
                     5  Last number dialed                                   
L(n)      0 - 3      Speaker Volume                                2         
                     0  Low volume                                           
                     1  Low volume                                           
                     2  Medium volume                                        
                     3  High volume                                          
M(n)      0 - 3      Speaker Mode                                  1         
                     0  Speaker OFF                                          
                     1  Speaker on while connecting                          
                     2  Speaker always on                                    
                     3  Speaker on after dialing until carrier               
O(n)      0 - 2      Return to Data State                                    
                     0  Modem switches to data state                         
                     1  Retrain Equalizer                                    
                     2  Renegotiate DTE protocol                             
P                    Pulse Dialing                                           
Q(n)      0 - 2      Quiet Mode Select                             0         
                     0  Modem sends result codes                             
                     1  No result codes ae reported                          
                     2  Sends result codes when originating.                 
                     Does not send result                                    
                         coded when answering                                
T                    Tone Dialing                                            
V(n)      0 or 1     Result Code Format Select                     1         
                     0  Return numeric responses.  In V.25bis                
                     mode, result codes                                      
                         are unformatted                                     
                     1  Return word responses.  In V.25bis mode,             
                     result codes are                                        
X(n)      0 - 2, 4,  Result Code Format                            2         
                     0   0-4 result codes                                    
          11-12      1   Adds modem speed to 0-5, 10-13, 46-50               
                     2   Same as X1, with 6-7, 52, 53                        
                     4   Same as X11, with 6,7                               
                     11  DTE speed, 05, 10-13, 48, 49                        
                     12  Same as X11 with 6,7, 52,53                         
Y(n)      0 or 1     Long Space Disconnect                         0         
                     0  Modem ignores long space                             
                     1  Modem disconnects on long space                      
Z(n)      0 - 1      Reset                                                   
                     0  Reset specified by S255                              
                     1  Reset and recall profile B                           
&C(n)     0 - 6      DCD Control                                   0         
                     0  DCD signal is on                                     
                     1  DCD on after connect                                 
                     2  DCD on/off specified by S47                          
                     3  DCD on when data is transmitted to DTE               
                     4  Synchronous use only.  DCD on when modem             
                     detects carrier.                                        
                         Modems sets received data to mark and               
                     drops DCD when                                          
                         V.13 pattern detected.                              
                     5  DCD on when data transmitted to DTE                  
                     6  DCD follows DTR when on hook                         
&D(n)     0 - 4      DTR Interpretation                            0         
                     0  Modem ignores DTR                                    
                     1  DTR on/off to command mode                           
                     2  DTR on/off disconnects                               
                     3  Modem loads prestored configuration when             
                     DTR signal is                                           
                         off.  DTR on/off disconnects                        
                     4  If DTR off, modem is disabled                        
&F(n)     0-16,29,30 Load Factory Defaults                                   
                     (see appendix A)                                        
&G(n)     0 - 2      Guard Tone Selection                          0         
                     0  No guard tone                                        
                     1  550 Hz guard tone                                    
                     2  1800 Hz guard tone                                   
&J(n)     0 - 2      Jack Type Selection                           0         
                     0 Aux telco leads disabled                              
                     1  A/A1 control selected                                
                     2  MI/MIC control selected                              
&L(n)     0 or 1     Line Type Selection                           0         
                     0  Dial-up line                                         
                     1  Leased line                                          
&M(n)     0 - 3      Asynchronous/Synchronous                      0         
                     0  Equivalent to Q0                                     
                     1  Equivalent to Q1                                     
                     2  Equivalent to Q2                                     
                     3  Equivalent to Q3                                     
&Q(n)     0 - 3, 6   Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Select          0         
                     0  Asynchronous mode                                    
                     1  Synchronous mode 1                                   
                     2  Synchronous mode 2                                   
                     3  Synchronous mode 3                                   
                     6  Transparent sync mode                                
&R(n)     0 - 8      RTS and CTS Interpretation                    3         
                     0  CTS on when modem is not connected.  CTS             
                     follows RTS                                             
                         per S26                                             
                     1  CTS is on after CONNECT                              
                     2  CTS follows RTS, fixed delay                         
                     3  CTS is on if hardware flow control                   
                     4  CTS follows DTR when modem is not                    
                     5  Same as &R0; sends V.13 pattern when RTS             
                     6  Same as &R4; sends V.13 pattern when RTS             
                     7  CTS follows RTS per S26                              
                     8  CTS control for SDLC accelerator                     
&S(n)     0 - 4      DSR Control                                   0         
                     0  DSR is always on                                     
                     1  DSR on after answer tone                             
                     2  DSR on/off specified by S47                          
                     3  DSR on/off as per DTR                                
                     4  DSR on after connect                                 
&T(n)     0, 1, 3-9  Test Modes                                    4         
                     0  Ends test in progress                                
                     1  Checks path between modem and DTE                    
                     3  Checks communication link and remote                 
                     4  Enables acceptance of a test request from            
                     remote modem                                            
                     5  Denies test request from remote modem                
                     6  Checks modem operation, DTE, and                     
                     telephone connection                                    
                     7  Local modem sends self-test pattern to               
                     remote modem                                            
                     8  Modem performs a local self test                     
                     9  Runs diagnostic tests                                
&V        0          View Active Configuration                               
                     0  Displays active Ram configuration                    
&W(n)     0 or 1     Write Current Configuration                             
                     0  Writes currents setting per S255                     
                     1  Writes current settings to Configuration             

&X(n)     0 - 2      Select Clock Source                           0         
                     0  Generates clock signal                               
                     1  DTE generates clock signal                           
                     2  Modem derives clock signal                           
~H(n)     0 - 9      Help                                                    
                     Provides a brief description of all                     
                     registers and commands                                  
~L                   List Number Directory                                   
~M(n)     0 or 1     Modify Stored Profile                                   
                     0  Modify profile A                                     
                     1  Modify profile B                                     
~N                   Set Number Directory                                    
~U                   Update Security Password                                
~V        0 or 1     View Nonvolatile Configurations                         
                     0  Display nonvolatile profile A                        
                     1  Display nonvolatile profile B                        
%                    Remote Modem Access                                     
%~N                  Set Remote Number Directory                             
%~X                  Send Remote Access                                      
%S46                 Change Remote Modems’s System Password                  


The following briefly describes the S registers and shows each register’s range and default.

Register  Range      Description                                   Default   
S0        0 - 255    Answer on Ring Number                         0         
S1        0 - 255    Count of Rings (read only)                              
S2        0 - 255    Escape Character (ASCII)                      43        
S3        0 - 127    Command Line Terminator (ASCII                13        
S4        0 - 255    Line Feed Character (ASCII)                   10        
S5        0 - 255    Backspace Character                           8         
S6        2 - 255    Pause Before Dialing (sec)                    2 sec     
S7        1 - 255    Wait for Connection /Dial Tone Time (sec)     60 sec    
S8        0 - 255    Pause Time for Comma (seconds)                2         
S9        1 - 255    Carrier Redetect Time                         6         
S10       1 - 255    Carrier Loss to Disconnect Time               14        
S11       50 - 255   Touch Tone Timing                             70        
S12       0 - 255    Delay for Prompt Message                      50        
S18       0 - 255    Test Termination Timer                        0         
S25       5 - 255    DTR Delay Timer                               5         
S26       0 - 255    RTS-to CTS Delay Interval                     1         
S38       0 - 255    Delay Before Disconnecting                    0         
S41       0 - 255    Inactivity Time-Out                           0         
S45       0, 1, 255  Remote Access Enable                          0         
                     0      Disable remote access                            
                     1      Enables remote access with password              
                     255  Enables/negotiates remote access                   
S46       0 - 3      Call Security                                 0         
                     0  Callback security disabled                           
                     1  Callback security enabled                            
                     2  Callback security enabled with password              
                     3  Passthrough security enabled, no callback            
S47       0 - 255    DSR/DCD Delay Time (50 ms)                    4         
S48       0 or 1     Control Character Mask                        0         
                     0  Most significant bit is marked                       
                     1  Compare all eight bits                               
S50       0-3, 5-7,  Modulation Mode                               0         
          254, 255   0      Auto Speed Determination                         
                     1      300 bps (Bell 103or V.21 )                       
                     2      1200 bps (Bell 212A of V.22)                     
                     3      2400 bps (V.22bis)                               
                     5      1200/75 bps (V.23)                               
                     6      9600 bps (V.32)                                  
                     7      14,400 bps (V.32bis)                             
                     254  Attempts to connect at closest current             
                     non-PEP DTE speed                                       
                     255  Fast operation (TurboPEP or PEP mode)              
S51       0-9, 35,   DTE Interface Speed                           252       
          43,        0      300 bps                                          
          46,        1      1200 bps                                         
          252-255    3      4800 bps                                         
                     35    7200 bps                                          
                     4      9600 bps                                         
                     43    12,000 bps                                        
                     46    14,400 bps                                        
                     5      19,200 bps                                       
                     6      38,400 bps                                       
                     7      57,600 bps                                       
                     8      76,800 bps                                       
                     9      115,200 bps                                      
                     252  Autobaud                                           
                     253  One-time autobaud (38,400 bps default)             
                     254  One-time autobaud (19,200 bps default)             
                     255  One-time autobaud (9600 bps default)               
S56       0 - 255    XON Character (ASCII)                         17        
S57       0 - 255    XOFF Character (ASCII)                        19        
S58       0 - 4      DTE Flow Control                              3         
                     0  No flow control                                      
                     1  Use RTS/CTS flow control in half duplex              
                     2  Use RTS/CTS flow control in full duplex              
                     3  Use XON/XOFF flow control                            
                     4  Use both XON/XOFF full duplex RTS/CTS                
                     flow control                                            
S59       0 - 15     CONNECT Suffixes (ASCII)                      0         
S60       0 - 4      Data Format                                   0         
                     0  8 data bits, no parity                               
                     1  8 data bits, odd parity                              
                     2  8 data bits, even parity                             
                     3  8 data bits, mark parity                             
                     4  8 data bits, space parity                            
S61       0 - 1      Local Action of Break                         1         
                     0  Break processed as set in S63                        
                     1  Go into Command mode                                 
S62       0 - 255    Break Length                                  15        
S63       0 - 3      Link Layer Action on Break                    0         
                     0  Break is in sequence with data                       
                     1  Send break to remote DTE immediately                 
                     2  Reserved                                             
                     3  Discard break signal                                 
S64       0 or 1     Dial/Answer Sequence Abort                    0         
                     0  If characters are sent to modem, abort               
                     dialing or answering                                    
                     1  Ignore characters sent by DTE while                  
                     dialing or answering                                    
                         a call                                              
S68       0, 2-4,    DCE Flow Control                              255       
          255        0      No flow control                                  
                     2      Full duplex RTS/CTS flow control                 
                     3      XON/XOFF flow control                            
                     4      Both XON/OFF and RTS/CTS flow control            
                     255  Flow control specified by S58                      
S69       0 - 2      XON/SOFF Signal Handling                      0         
                     0  XON/XOFF character processed                         
                     1  Reserved                                             
                     2  Processed if necessary                               
S70                  Transmit Modulation Rate (read only)                    
S71                  Transmit Bits Per Channel (reak only)                   
S72                  Receive Modulation Rate (read only)                     
S73                  Receive Bits Per Channel (read only)                    
S74                  Link Protocol Packets Statistics (read only)            
S78                  Line Quality (read only)                                
S90       0 or 1     DSRS Behavior                                 0         
                     0  Disable DTE/DSRS input                               
                     1  Enable DTE/DSRS input                                
S92       0 or 1     Answer Swquence Selection                     0         
                     0  Issue PEP answer tones at start of search            
                     1  Issue PEP answer tones at end of search              
S93       3 - 255    V.32bis/V.32 AC Transmit Time                 8         
S94       0 - 3      Modulation Speed Negotiation                  1         
                     0  Negotiation disabled                                 
                     1  Allows a connection                                  
                     2  Fallback within a specified modulation               
                     3  Use only appropriate fallback                        
S100      0 or 1     Answer in Orginate Mode                       0         
                     0  Normal mode                                          
                     1  Reverse mode                                         
S104      0 - 1, 3,  Automatic Dialing                             0         
          4          0  Disable automatic dialing                            
                     1  DTR dialing                                          
                     3  Press T/D switch to dial a prestored                 
                     4  DTR dialing/answering                                
S105      0 - 2      T/D Switch Enable                             1         
                     0  Disable T/D switch                                   
                     1  Enable T/D switch                                    
                     2  Enable T/D switch when on-hook                       
S111      0,10-14,   File Transfer Protocol                        255       
          20,        0      No protocol support                              
          30,40      10    Kermit protocol, no parity                        
          -43,       11    Kermit protocol, odd parity                       
          50, 255    12    Kermit protocol, even parity                      
                     13    Kermit protocol, mark parity                      
                     14    Kermit protocol, space parity                     
                     20    Xmodem/Ymodem protocol                            
                     30    UUCP-g protocol                                   
                     40    ENQ/ACK protocol, host                            
                     41    ENQ/ACK protocol, terminal                        
                     42    ENQ/ACK host, not negotiated                      
                     43    ENQ/ACK terminal, not negotiated                  
                     50    SDLC accelerator                                  
                     255  Remote modem protocol                              
S112      0 - 255    Kermit Mark Character (ASCII)                 1         
S114      0 or 1     Calling Tone Enable                           0         
                     0  Calling tone disabled                                
                     1  Calling tone enabled                                 
S115      0 or 1     Answer Tone Detection                         0         
                     0  Answer tone detection not required                   
                     1  Answer tone detection required                       
S151      0-5, 35,   Synchronous Clock Speed                                 
          43,        0    300 bps                                            
          46         1    1200 bps                                           
                     2    2400 bps                                           
                     3    4800 bps                                           
                     35  7200 bps                                            
                     4    9600 bps                                           
                     43  12,000 bps                                          
                     46  14,400 bps                                          
                     5    19,200 bps                                         
S155      0 or 1     NRZ/NRZI Data Encoding                        0         
                     0  NRZ encoding used                                    
                     1  NRZI encoding used                                   
S180      0 - 3      Error Control Request                         2         
                     0  Error control disabled                               
                     1  V.42 without detection phase                         
                     2  V.42 with detection                                  
                     3  MNP error control                                    
S181      0 - 2      Error Control Fallback                        1         
                     0  If no error control, direct                          
                     1  If not error control, buffer                         
                     2  Error control required                               
S183      8 - 255    Error Control detection Timer                 25        
S190      0 or 1     Data Compression Enable                       1         
                     0  Disabled in both directions                          
                     1  Enabled in both directions                           
S191      6 or 7     Data Compression Negotiation                  7         
                     6  Disables Telebit LZ                                  
                     7  Enables Telebit LZ                                   
S253      0, 10,     Command Set Selection                         10        
          20, 22,    0    No command set                                     
          32         10  AT synchronous                                      
                     20  V.25bis asynchronous                                
                     22  V.25bis sit synchronous                             
                     32  LPDA bit synchronous                                
S254      0, 1, 255  &F0 Configuration Select                      255       
                     0      Load profile A                                   
                     1      Load profile B                                   
                     255  Load factory defaults                              
S255      0, 1, 255  Configuration Select                          255       
                     0      Load profile A                                   
                     1      Load profile B                                   
                     255  Recall profile A/B switch                          

Article ID: 336
Created: January 15, 2009
Last Updated: January 15, 2009
Author: Beth Bartel

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