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AFREF Permanent Stations Guidelines - Requirements and Installation - 2007

See attached .pdf file.

AFREF Permanent Stations Guidelines - Requirements and Installation

Rui Fernandes & Salah Mahmoud

This document describes the necessary requirements and procedures that should be considered by interested agencies in order to qualify their stations to be part of the AFREF network. Considering the voluntary nature of such commitment and the current phase of the AFREF project where the densification of the network is a major objective, the use of many strict rules is avoided. However, the AFREF stations must satisfy minimum standards inorder to ensure the quality of the entire network.

This document is mainly based on the IGS guidelines ( since many new AFREF stations will also qualify to be part of the IGS network. Nevertheless, in the initial phase, the rules to be imposed will be less strict.

  • Attached Files
  • AFREFStationGuidelines_Final.pdf.pdf (93.81 KB) 438

    Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver