SuomiNet - Site Wireless Configuration
SuomiNet - Site Wireless Configuration
Note - content is provided for historical continuity and may be out of date. The UNAVCO SuomiNet pages are not actively maintained, and up-to-date SuomiNet information should be obtained from UCAR’s COSMIC program at:
Configuration 3 - SuomiNet site with radio modem link for the serial connection between the GPS receiver and the computer. In this configuration, only one serial link is used.

Configuration 3 Components:
Trimble Microcentered geodetic GPS antenna
Grounded lightning protector
Trimble 4700 GPS receiver
Meteorological package sensor
Meteorological package body (Vaisala only)
Serial surge protector
System computer
Trimble power supply p/n 30413
Wireless radio
Backup power supply
Gen power connector
GPS antenna cable - N male to N male, RG-214
GPS antenna cable - N male to 1-shell Lemo Coaxial P male, RG-214
GPS to meteorological package cable - 0-shell Lemo male to DB9 male
Serial/power cable p/n 32345 - 7 p Lemo to DB9
Serial cable - DB9 male to DB9 female
Power cable
DB9 null modem adapter
DB9 male-male adapter