How to extract met records from GPS data files using teqc
How to extract met records from GPS data files using teqc
You must specify in teqc what records you want to extract from the GPS data file.
For example:
teqc +met $filename.met -M.obs pr+td+hr+ws+wd+ri+hi $filename.dat >$filename.obs
will extract pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rain, and hail measurements.
The simple sh script below will extract these met data from Trimble T00 data files:
# usage: teqc_met FILENAME (do not add .T00)
# NOTE: for windows users using CIGWIN add .exe to runpkr00 and teqc
runpkr00 -d $filename.T00
teqc +met $filename.met -M.obs pr+td+hr+ws+wd+ri+hi $filename.dat >$filename.obs
#ls -lt $filename*
cat $filename.met
For more on teqc, see the UNAVCO teqc page.