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How to execute some common file conversions

How to execute some common file conversions

To uncompress a *d file (Hatanaka compressed) into a *o file (RINEX observation file):

Use crx2rnx (see the Japanese Geographical Survey Institute’s RNXCMP http site; crx2rnx is part of the freely available RNXCMP package).

  • place crx2rnx.exe in the folder with the *d files

  • open a command window if in Windows

  • change to the directory with crx2rnx and the *d files

  • use the following command for each *d file:

    crx2rnx [*d filename]

To convert a Trimble *.t00/t01/t02 GPS data file to Trimble *.dat/.tgd format:

Use either the Trimble Data Transfer Utility program or the Trimble runpkr00 program in the R-utilities package. Once the Data Transfer Utility is installed, if using Trimble Data Transfer:

  • right-click the *.t00/t01/t02 file

  • select Convert to DAT format

Note that you can convert files in batches by selecting multiple files before right-clicking.

To convert a *.dat/.tgd file (Trimble format) to a *o file (RINEX observation file), with an accompanying *n file (RINEX nav file):

Use teqc.

  • place teqc.exe in the folder with the *.dat files

  • open a command window

  • change to the directory with teqc and the *.dat files

  • use the following command for each *.dat file:

    teqc -tr d +nav [navfilename].nav [inputfilename].dat > [outputfilename].[yr]o

Note on file names:

File naming convention is generally [4charID][dayofyear][session].[yr]o, e.g. TEST0320.07o, where TEST is the site name, 032 is the day of year (February 1), 0 is the session number (a second file collected at the same site that day would be 1, a third would be 2, and so on), and 07 is the year. Trimble NetRS files do not follow this convention.



Last modified: 2019-12-27  16:36:35  America/Denver